Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Enchantment Success Rate

Seems I didn't fair too badly with a 55% success rate.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Enchanting QQ

Got my mace to plus 10 finally.  Unfortunately the next 4 tries on another 2 pieces of gear failed and now I have lost 4 levels of enchantments to my gear. NCsoft fix this stupid frustrating aspect of the game!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You Comcast

Thank you Comcast for such a reliable internet connection!  DCd (disconnected) while in an Arena of Chaos match that I was doing well in.  Sad at the loss of courage insignias.

What is odd, is that when I logged back on, I was at my bind point and not in the Academy.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chantra Dredgion

Failed to get into Chantra Dredgion for the second night in a row. :(

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Minga's Staff

Finally after all this time, I found Minga Bigeyes and he dropped his staff!  I was beginning to think Minga did exist.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Abyssal Splinter

Did a quick AS Shugo run and the alliance captain kicked someone who was already in the instance to make room for a cleric that was late getting in.  We had 13 members and the instance caps at the first 12.  That was flat out wrong what he did.  The cleric never came in.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Head Priest Nashuma

Rough day at the office for Valen.  Tried to kill Nashuma solo four times today.  The first attempt I got him down to 1/10 life but I tripped and fell.  The next two attempts got him to less then 25% before asmos ganked me.  Last time I just started when another asmo got me.

I did however returned the favor by training mobs in.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Altar of Avarice

Valen fell through the floor at Altar of Avarice and lost his Platinum Medal for the evening defense :(
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Enchanting QQ

Enchanting still sucks in this game!  QQ.  Tired of this kinah sink.  If NcSoft truly wants to fix this game then they should look at this.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pincers Prime

Pincers Prime
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Another Find.

Queen Klawtiar

Queen Klawtiar
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Waiting for dredge to pop I found the Queen in Klawtiar Maze in North West Gelkmaros.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fail Cleric

In the excitement this cleric posts a screen shot of the elusive Commander Bakarma's Spear loot.  Little did he realize that his radar hack is still visible.  He deleted the first and added the second to cover his tracks but he is not faster than the internet.  He posted these screenies on Aion's official forums.  The forum thread has since been deleted but not after he was reported.  His profile page indicates that he is no longer in the legion.

Blackdeath's Aion Online profile

** Update:  Changed name to Birdyhealz on 4.29.2011 and rejoined Jones.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Enchanting equipment in Aion sucks eggs.  If any one thing that would make me unsubscribe this would be it. Just wasted 4 million kinah for zilch.  :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011


Padmarashka attempt. There is a League limit of 72 members, we didn't know this and it messed up our alliance staffing. Was fun.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

QQ - Hot Heart of Magic

I finally proc the Hot Heart of Magic yesterday and got my pants!  Saved enough bloods for 4 tries and got it on the second attempt. Overall it took me 13 attempts.  Started on my tears yesterday and finished getting 20 of em today, so now I am wearing the chest piece. I have the complete set now.

Now to kill pigs for the mace :)


Upper Fort Defense - SunShine led leaque - Hellfire Artifact

Valen's first upper defense on March 3rd as a SunShine member! Hope this scrub cleric survives his two week trial.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Valen And His Zergling

Valen and Zergling in Inggison

This is my current user interface (UI).
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Asmos active ganking in Inggison today. Got my fortuneer quests done today in both Inggison and Gelkmaros. Going to finish my daily medal grind and not do anymore for a while. I did flip an artifact by training some camp guards. It helps for safety sake when asmos are running amok. Udas Temples here I come.

Siel's Supreme Mace

Finally after so many Taloc Hollows grinds, my mace magically drops off Queen Mosqua.

Time to run the quests to upgrade.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Altar of Avarice

Wind Swords have reconquered the Altar of Avarice!  Well Sunshine and the rest of the Elyos who came to siege. Thanks to all. Too bad these forts don't give medals.

Altar of Avarice

Well, it was bound to happen. The Balaur succeeded in conquering the Altar of Avarice today during the afternoon vulnerable phase. Wind Swords held onto it for almost two weeks :)  Glad to be done feeding the artifact with greater temporal stones.


World Boss in Iggison before he stomped on me! Guess I got a little to close for a screenshot.
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QQ - Hot Heart of Magic Failures

This is getting old fast. Failures number ten and eleven today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Altar of Avarice Defense

Server crashed right after dredge spawned heading for Altar of Avarice.  Easiest fort defense so far.  Can I have my 2 greater temporal stones back.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

QQ - Hot Heart of Magic Fail Number Eight

Damn this quest! Failed eight times already. I will get them, just hope that it doesn't take as long as my Expert Alchemy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Altar of Avarice

Yesterday evening (Tuesday) the Windswords captured Altar of Avarice from the Balaur. Thanks to all Elyos who came to seige. Special thanks to Komori of Sunshine for passing League Leadership to me at the end. LOL :)

Windswords, a legion of one active player, a 'Paper Tiger' if you will. Fear the tiger, paper cuts are the worst!
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QQ - Hot Heart of Magic Fail

Hot Heart of Magic failed on attempt number seven.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Miragent's Chain Greaves

Still going to go for these a while longer.  My next try will be number seven.  I am spending forty million on average per try on materials.  So far I have spent about 240 million kinah. :(

Friday, January 14, 2011

Taloc's Hollow

I must have run this instance fifty times and still no Siel's Supreme Mace, just might have to give up on trying to find this and move on.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

QQ - Hot Heart of Magic

Failure number six folks. Crafting in this game stinks.  I hope this doesn't take as long as it did to make Alchemy Expert.

Dionysia Tavern

Valen at Dionysia Tavern
Valen after failing to craft a Hot Heart of Magic for the 5th time. Going to grind for some kinah, need more Hot Balaur Hearts for attempt number six.

QQ - Damn those developers!


Valen is a proud member of the Windswords.

This blog is now open.

Hello to all who have visited this blog! I have decided to document some of my adventures in Zikel here.  I should have started this blog on day one of Aion launch, oh well.

Valen's profile page.

Enjoy your visit!