Saturday, January 29, 2011

QQ - Hot Heart of Magic Fail Number Eight

Damn this quest! Failed eight times already. I will get them, just hope that it doesn't take as long as my Expert Alchemy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Altar of Avarice

Yesterday evening (Tuesday) the Windswords captured Altar of Avarice from the Balaur. Thanks to all Elyos who came to seige. Special thanks to Komori of Sunshine for passing League Leadership to me at the end. LOL :)

Windswords, a legion of one active player, a 'Paper Tiger' if you will. Fear the tiger, paper cuts are the worst!
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QQ - Hot Heart of Magic Fail

Hot Heart of Magic failed on attempt number seven.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Miragent's Chain Greaves

Still going to go for these a while longer.  My next try will be number seven.  I am spending forty million on average per try on materials.  So far I have spent about 240 million kinah. :(

Friday, January 14, 2011

Taloc's Hollow

I must have run this instance fifty times and still no Siel's Supreme Mace, just might have to give up on trying to find this and move on.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

QQ - Hot Heart of Magic

Failure number six folks. Crafting in this game stinks.  I hope this doesn't take as long as it did to make Alchemy Expert.

Dionysia Tavern

Valen at Dionysia Tavern
Valen after failing to craft a Hot Heart of Magic for the 5th time. Going to grind for some kinah, need more Hot Balaur Hearts for attempt number six.

QQ - Damn those developers!


Valen is a proud member of the Windswords.

This blog is now open.

Hello to all who have visited this blog! I have decided to document some of my adventures in Zikel here.  I should have started this blog on day one of Aion launch, oh well.

Valen's profile page.

Enjoy your visit!